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Maha’ Guv active in fake degree racket

Shamhood (falsehood) is prevalent in the educational sector, particularly in Maharashtra. Fake Ph. D.s are being distributed in Raj Bhavan itself. Not only this, Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari has breakfast in Raj Bhavan with the one distributing fake Ph. D.s worldwide. Anti-social individuals linked to the underworld organize felicitation functions in Raj Bhavan and Chancellor Koshyari covers up this misdoing. The Governor similarly covers up the corrupt tenure of Dr. Dilip Wange, the corrupt registrar of MCIM.

There is a college named the School of Ayurveda of the D. Y. Patil University at Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra. Mahesh Kumar Harit has been serving in the Chief post of the Dean of this College for several years. A shocking piece of information specifically that the 10th and 12th Std. educational certificates of Harit are bogus and have been revealed to the readers for the first time by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Sprouts.

Harit’s BMS and MD certificates are suspect on many grounds, this information too has been revealed for the first time to the readers by the SIT of Sprouts. After this, several complaints have been made against Harit. Yet, Dr. Dilip Wange, the corrupt registrar of MCIM (Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine) has renewed his registration after accepting bribes from this bogus doctor.

Wang’s tenure is clouded in abject corruption. He has given registration to many bogus doctors in the State and also renewed their registrations time and again. Sprouts’ SIT has presented this fact with proof on several occasions, yet no action has been taken on this at all to date.

Complaints are Managed through Raj Bhavan

Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari has selected the corrupt officer Ulhas Mungekar for the post of secretary in Raj Bhavan. This selection is unlawful and in violation of the rules.

Governor Koshyari is keenly interested only in felicitation functions.

He has not the least interest in resolving people’s and particularly students’ issues. Thus, taking advantage of this weakness of the governor, Mungekar covers up the misdoings of corrupt officers like Dr. Dilip Wange.

Mungekar and Wange have amassed crores of rupees in black money to date. Social workers have demanded a thorough inquiry into all these several times, yet, no cognizance has been taken of these demands.

“The Special Investigation Team of Sprouts has raised questions on its educational eligibility of Harit. That is absolutely appropriate. A complaint about this issue has been made to Dr. Vijay Patil, the Chancellor of D. Y. Patil University by the Aam Aadmi Party. But, cognizance of this has not been taken from this till now.” –

Dhananjay Shinde (Secretary, Aam Aadmi Party Maharashtra)

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