
Rules are violated to obtain the patents of medicines

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To obtain the patent of any medicine, the manufacturer is required to submit a report of the clinical trials. However, due to the money deals between officials of the Ministry of Chemicals and pharmaceutical companies, defective drugs and medicines are approved, eventually endangering the lives of the gullible patients.

The Special Investigation Team of Sprouts has received startling information that several such complaints about erring companies are being regularly lodged with the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). However, no action is being taken against erring manufacturers either at the Central or state level.

The demand for allopathic medicines is on the rise and during the corona pandemic, the demand grew manifold. Resultantly a majority of the manufacturers are emphasizing the production of allopathic medicines. However, before proceeding with the production, the companies are required to take a patent of the drug, and to obtain the patent, they are required to conduct the clinical trials after observing all norms and submitting the report.

However, 60 percent of the companies throw the norms to the wind. The Pune-based ACE Remedies Private Limited is one such company run by Pawan Kumar Jagdishchand Goyal, who is the Managing Director of the firm. This company is alleged to have made changes in the basic ingredients used in the manufacture of the drugs. Due to this faulty practice, the medicines manufactured are proving harmful to the patients.

The patents obtained by submitting misleading clinical data can adversely affect the patient’s life. As such, all the patents obtained by Ace Remedies be canceled, and the company be made to conduct the clinical trials afresh under the guidance of the panel comprising reputed doctors, Datta Jadhav (name changed to protect identity) has demanded. Goyal could not be reached for his comments despite several attempts.

“ I have lodged several complaints with FDA about the company’s suspicious way of functioning. I demand that the FDA should take serious note of my complaints and take action under the provisions of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970 against the company. Besides, a criminal complaint was filed against Goyal. However, no action has been taken as yet against Goyal due to “underhand dealings” between Goyal and FDA Commissioner”
-Datta Jadhav (complainant)

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