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Edelweiss: The corporate noose of the tyrannical lender tightens


Unmesh Gujarathi
Sprouts Exclusive

The Edelweiss Group is in the news again – for the very same reason the finance company was named by Bollywood Art Director Nitin Desai in his suicide notes. Desai, who had taken his life in his studio in Maharashtra last year, had alleged that Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company (EARC) had mentally tortured him, ultimately leading to his death, in order to recover a loan taken by his company. Now Mumbai-based businesswoman Daljeet Kaur says Edelweiss has pushed her to the brink of suicide. Sprouts has also found out that she is not the only recent victim.

Daljeet Kaur says she has been cheated; her documents have been forged; and worse, she was threatened when she raised the issue.

Kaur, who had taken a home loan from Edelweiss Housing Finance Ltd (now Nido Home Finance Ltd), says in her social media post on X that “harassment from company officials has been increasing every day, they have put me on the verge of suicide. I have sent several emails to the grievance department. I need justice, can anyone help?”

We must ask: Is Edelweiss in the business of lending money or committing massive fraud?

In voice notes left just before he committed suicide, Nitin Desai had pointed a finger at Edelweiss ARC’s corrupt practices. If Edelweiss’s licence is not revoked immediately, many other corporate professionals could face the same fate as Desai, and now Kaur, according to the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Sprouts.

In the Nitin Desai case, two senior company officials have been accused of abetting the suicide of the art director, under Sections 306 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The complaint has been filed by Desai’s wife. Since then, the Sprouts SIT has discovered that many other corporate professionals have been lured into the Edelweiss trap.

It has been an emotional roller-coaster for Daljeet Kaur, but she has decided to fight to the finish.

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Documents Forged, Property in Jeopardy

Kaur’s troubles began when she approached Edelweiss for a home loan. Nido Home Finance Ltd had sanctioned the loan after she duly submitted the requisite documents. The company then tampered with her documents and began deducting EMIs even before the loan had been disbursed. They had deducted five EMIs! When Kaur raised the issue, she was told these installments would be adjusted, going forward. That did not happen. On the contrary, Kaur told Sprouts, the company continued to cheat her, in many different ways.

Kaur says these developments have left her “mentally disturbed” and with “suicidal thoughts”. Despite repeatedly writing to Edelweiss Group Chairperson Rashesh Shah (also named in the Nitin Desai case and other senior officials, Kaur received no reply. When she visited the company’s local branch, she was told that if she protested any further, they would cancel her loan and demand the full loan amount or attach her property! Kaur is now worried she might lose her property as Edelweiss has sent her a notice of Non-Performing Assets. Kaur approached the Malvani police but they refused to file a First Information Report (FIR) against the company. They merely registered a non-cognizable offense.

Edelweiss tries to silence Kaur:

Eventually, Kaur raised her voice against Edelweiss’s corrupt practices on social media. The company immediately sent her a defamation notice. They said if she didn’t stop, they would sue. The company proceeded to file a case against Kaur under Section 25 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007. In a move meant to harass her, they filed the case in a Kolkata court, even though their head office, as well as Kaur’s property, is located in Mumbai.

To further pressure Kaur, Edelweiss filed cases under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, relating to bounced EMIs, in Kolkata and Ahmedabad courts. They didn’t stop there. Edelweiss forced Kaur’s bank to impose charges on her, amounting to around Rs 70,000, for ‘insufficient funds’, by misusing the Razorpay online link to claim EMIs that were not yet due.

But Daljeet Kaur did not buckle under the pressure. The Kolkata court dismissed Edelweiss’s claims. In Kolkata, Kaur won. Edelweiss lost. The case is yet to be taken up for hearing in the Ahmedabad court.

Is RBI supporting Edelweiss’s corrupt practices?

Kaur has filed several complaints against Edelweiss with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Debts Recovery Tribunals (DRT), Mumbai. The Sprouts SIT made a shocking discovery – several other businesspersons have filed similar complaints with the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). Sprouts tried to contact Edelweiss Group Chairperson Rashesh Shah but he could not be reached.

What exactly is Edelweiss ARC?

Edelweiss ARC, or ‘Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company (EARC)’, is a part of the Edelweiss Group. It is a finance company, offering home loans and loans to start-ups. The Group also has interests in asset management (mutual funds and alternative assets), asset reconstruction and insurance.

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