Good Gracias, Dabre aid Monster ‘Sant’iano Vincent
Unmesh Gujarathi
Editor in Chief
If one were to believe the statements of two 14-year-old students to Pune police in 2018, then the aiding of their monstrous Principal by the then Police officers and his religious bosses is a secondary continuing crime/ offence that is like rubbing salt into their deep mental and psychological wounds.
Sprouts and its readers will scarcely believe that a School Principal and that too a priest could do the acts described by his two students of IX as quoted in their own words below :-
Sprouts SIT dug out the two statements in Hindi to Pune police which translated into English roughly go thus:-
” What I am going to do with you let me do. It won’t take much time “. He removed his clothes. He removed my shirt buttons, pant, and my innerwear. He kissed me on my neck. I told him “This is sin and dirty”. He said – “Don’t say like this as it is not wrong”.
He pushed me onto the bed, fell on me, started kissing me, and went to and fro on my private part. Then I shouted loudly and pushed him away. Principal Pereira then threatened me not to tell anyone or he would not only fail me but also remove me from school.
These are the ‘pious’ acts of ‘Sant’iano Vincent the so-called ‘innocent and falsely framed’ ‘Holy father/priest’ for most Catholics and especially for his superiors and homosexual partners – Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Pune Bishop Thomas Dabre, Judicial Vicar Fr. Roque Greene and Vicar General – Fr. Malcolm Sequeira of Pune Diocese.
Despite CCTV footage of this aggravated sexual assault seen by Dabre, Greene, Sequeira, inquiry committee and admitted thus to Police by Judicial Vicar – Roque Greene, ‘Sant’iano Vincent was despite these horror acts rehabilitated in a Pune Diocesan Pastoral center (Nav Sadhana) with full honors and no guilt whatever after release from a 1.5-year stint in jail
This unparalleled and unprecedented largesse by Gracias, Neri, Nuncio, Dabre, Greene and Sequeira included a regular monthly salary of 6000/-, free food, accommodation, roaming Scott free to meet anyone, meeting visitors in his room, allowing guests to stay overnight in adjoining rooms in the plush Nav Sadhana Centre of Pune Diocese which almost resembles like a five-star hotel.
All the above-named homo partners of ‘Sant’iano Vincent were having full knowledge of this ‘Saint’s ‘honorable’ acts for two decades but still protected and encouraged him with no guilt feelings whatever, as if nothing had happened and no serial sexual rape/sodomy had ever taken place.
Now it’s payback time it seems with the long arm of law finally catching up by way of two FIRs registered by Pune Police, thanks to the timely and decisive intervention of the Hon’ble Justice Arun Kumar Mishra headed National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
Will Pune Police now undo the wrongs (applying the correct and tougher sections of law than the present lesser and softer sections) and arrest these powerful, influential, and mighty rich Catholic ‘ gurus ‘ who have not only shamed the Catholic community in particular but the Nation itself in general.
Sprouts SIT team in Pune has reliably learnt from very reliable sources that accused Dabre and Oswald are planning to flee the Country and preparations in this regard are in full swing. With their passports still not impounded by the police, this possibility seems a strong one.
Both Dabre and Oswald are learnt to be in Rome today (despite three POCSO FIRs and courtesy of Pune Police’s soft action) negotiating an honorable exit.
Sprouts SIT has learnt that they (Dabre and Oswald) have been warned by their ‘insider’ informants and legal brains that their time is up considering the tremendous documentary evidence stacked against them.
The only way to escape the long arm of law is to run away. Dabre’s once teeming official bishop house in Wanwadi bears the look of a ‘Ghost House’ with its high-profile occupant and visitors missing for several days.
Supporters of both Oswald and Dabre now know that their tenures are on last legs and are slowly deserting the duo leaving them to their own fate.
Sprouts has also been tipped off by reliable sources that Dabre and Oswald have begged their superiors in Rome to relieve them of their posts and thus prevent further shaming in the sex scam that only seems to be exploding more and more with each passing hour.
Sprouts has learnt from inside sources that since the possible successors are expressing fear of inheriting a corrupt and scandalous past of both the present occupants, finding suitable replacements for the prestigious Mumbai and Pune postings has turned into a nightmare for Rome.
The new appointments or Interim caretakers are expected to be announced by 15th to 20th December by Vatican if all goes well to usher in the soon-approaching Christmas big day on 25th December.
Only the next few weeks will reveal the real picture and Sprouts’ SIT team will follow this horrific Pune sex scandal story continuously till justice is done for the minor victims and their families and their perpetrators made to pay for the dastardly crimes.