William’s open secret- Sunitha is my wife not mistress!
Unmesh Gujarathi
In one of the most scandalous, controversial and unbelievable decisions ever by any Pope in the about 2000 years old Roman Catholic Church’s history, Sprouts has an International Exclusive shocker for readers – Pope Francis blessed and sanctified the illegal wedding of Mother (of 2) Sunitha with Father (of 3) William (whom he later promoted as Bishop of Mysuru, Karnataka) with the sacred sacrament of matrimony in a scared private ceremony in Rome about 7 years ago.
Pope Francis not only violated the Canon (Church) law on celibacy but Indian Civil and Criminal laws on bigamy too since Mother Sunitha was, at the time of this secret blessing, legally wedded to Antony Raj and had two children ( daughter from Antony and an illegitimate son from Father William now ex Bishop of Mysuru ). Pope Francis used his special dispensation power, (which he is now famous for as he did in the cases of sexual abusers (Fr. Rupnik, Bishop Zanchetta, Cardinal Mccarrick) as per the claim of the 6 convenors, albeit indirectly. Saint Antony divorced Unholy Wife and Mother Sunitha of his daughter much later due to pressure from his new husband – ‘Holy’ William and his ‘God fearing’ goons.
Though aware of William’s marriage exploits personally as well as through protest letters by 37 priests of William’s Mysuru Diocese, Francis not only promoted him as Bishop but protected him for 4 long years! (Very similar to close friend Bishop Zanchetta’s case of promotion and protection for 4 years) .
The similarities between William, Zanchetta cases do not end here. William, with sure guidance from Francis and Oswald, used the same Zanchetta escape route of writing to the flock – ‘health problems’ to proceed on leave. Then again, the Vatican followed the Zanchetta route and announced a leave of absence for William and an investigation. Zanchetta was rehabilitated in two years and stayed in the same hotel where Francis stayed, but William wants his comeback in two months! Only Zanchetta’s imprisonment for 4 and a half years forced Francis to act. Something similar here may do the trick!
The cases of Bishop Barros, Cardinal Mccarrick, Bishops Zanchetta, William, Franco, Dabre, and Cardinal Gracias clearly suggest that Francis has not embraced the painful lessons of damaging the Church’s moral credibility by favoring those who show personal loyalty or have personal connections with the decision maker and those who do not, as was pointed out in a report by the National Catholic Register a few years ago. But His patronage to delinquent friends and loyalists continues unabated.
Sprouts SIT has reliable information from sources in the Mumbai-based Association of Concerned Catholics (AOCC) that Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai was taken to Rome several times by William in First Class flights sponsored by William. Gracias, who had direct access to Francis, played a key role in the promotion of Father (Religious plus Civil) William.
Sprouts sources in Mysuru confirmed that its exclusive article (The only paper in the world to expose the hidden hand of William) on the ‘Willy Rally’ on 2nd / 3rd Feb forced the 6 convenors (read William) to issue a clarification within 24 hours and admit on William being sponsorer of the massive expenses consisting of cash bribes to each participant, free food, drinks, transport, and Rome blessed the wedding of Sunitha which they had cleverly camouflaged in their handout of 1.2.23 as being an independent exercise.